Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Scrappy Baby Quilt

I made these blocks awhile ago, using squares from my scrap bins. I really had intended to make many more of them and then sew them all together without sashing. I don't usually sash or border my quilts but this time I decided that I just wanted to get the top done so I could move on to the quilting part!

I am still trying to fix my longarm, sigh. It's been a lemon from the start but last year I had two machinists that I know (two different people) take a look at my machine and they both said the same thing. They said my machine was a bad design and it was inevitable that it would become damaged in the way that it has. But, one of them managed to fix the primary problem so I could at least quilt a few things. yay!

I was, however, still getting alot of thread breakage. So, I went through all the thread guides to check for burrs, and sure enough, there was a burr on one of the final thread guides. So, I tried skipping this particular guide, and voila! I was able to quilt the rest of this quilt without any breakage! I am so happy I could throw a party!

So, this is the final quilt. It still feels like cheating when I take a few blocks and sash and border them into a larger quilt - it feels like I was lazy and just didn't feel like making more blocks (and this is true, in this case :) ). But the result is good and it will make a sweet little gift for a baby who is on her way!

And now that my longarm seems to be working for the moment, I can't wait to finish up another top and quilt it up! I think I see more sashing and borders in my future ;)


  1. Oh this is lovely! I'm a bit of a fan of sashing and borders. Sometimes I think the simplicity of it is gorgeous in it's own right. The wavy quilting has really added to it beautifully!

  2. I love your quilts and enjoy viewing your blog to keep up with your latest projects. I believe that you deserve a Liebster Blog Award and would like to pass one along to you. Your blog is filled with wonderfully cheerful quilts and your "binding" technique makes finishing a breeze!

    Details about the award can be found on my blog.

    Keep up the good work!
    The Joyful Quilter

